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The Pedestrian Safety Crisis in America: Why It's Happening and What We Can Do about It. A Conversation with Angie Schmitt (Zoom)

Join us for a presentation by Angie Schmitt, author of Right of Way: Race, Class and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America and one of the best known writers on the topic of sustainable transportation in the U.S.  Angie will discuss how road design and other factors are putting people needlessly at risk. She will also address how cities can implement better connected and safer conditions for walking, biking and other forms of active transportation.This program is part of the Green Newton series and is cosponsored by Green Newton and Bike Newton.


Angie Schmitt is the founder of 3MPH Planning and Consulting, a firm that focuses on pedestrian safety. She is a nationally known speaker on sustainable transportation and was the keynote speaker at MassDOT’s 2020 Moving Together Conference. Ms. Schmitt was the national editor at Streetsblog and her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Bloomberg, Bicycling, GOOD and Landscape Architecture Magazine.


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Thursday, September 15, 2022
7:00pm - 8:00pm
  Talks & Presentations  
Registration has closed.
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