Event box

Newton by Map (virtual)

Come learn about how the Newton community has changed over time, and discover how to research the history of your own house and neighborhood. What was Newton like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? What used to be on the sites of your favorite Newton landmarks? How has the city changed, and how has it stayed the same? Using Atlascope, the Leventhal Map & Education Center’s user-friendly portal for exploring urban atlases, we’ll dive into the historical geography of Newton.


This program is cosponsored by Historic Newton. 


Registration for this program will end two hours before the start time. The login information will be sent just after registration closes. Please be sure to check your spam folder in case it lands there.

Monday, May 10, 2021
7:00pm - 8:00pm
  Talks & Presentations  
Registration has closed.
The location of this event is wheelchair accessible. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities requiring assistance. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact Newton’s ADA/Sec.504 Coordinator, Jini Fairley, two weeks in advance of this event: jfairley@newtonma.gov or (617) 796-1253. For Telecommunications Relay Service, please dial 711.