Fairy Tale and Fantasy Trivia Summer Kickoff
Event box
Whether you are a fan of Wings of Fire, Mythology, or Disney Films, join us for a special Trivia night just for kids and families. Come join the fun and test your knowledge of all things fantasy and fairy tale! Library staff will challenge players with questions from a variety of categories. No restrictions on team size. One registration per team. Please limit to 2 zoom locations per team. A reminder email and the Zoom link will be sent out the day of the event. Registration will close an hour before the program.
Registration has closed.
- Accessibility:
- Reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities requiring assistance. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact Newton’s ADA/Sec.504 Coordinator, Jini Fairley, two weeks in advance of this event: jfairley@newtonma.gov or (617) 796-1253. For Telecommunications Relay Service, please dial 711.