Event box

Museum of Science: Night Sky! (Session 1)

Explore the night sky, and learn how to find stars, planets and other celestial objects from your own backyard. Presented by Traveling Programs from the Museum of Science, Boston.  For children K and up and their families.  Children 8 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Space is limited. All indviduals in a party must be registered. Online registration begins July 22. 

This event is now full. 

For more information, contact the Newton Free Library at (617) 796-1370.

Monday, August 5, 2019
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Druker Auditorium
  Family     Kids  
Registration has closed.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities requiring assistance. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact Newton’s ADA/Sec.504 Coordinator, Jini Fairley, two weeks in advance of this event: jfairley@newtonma.gov or (617) 796-1253. For Telecommunications Relay Service, please dial 711.